ARMZ Uranium Holding Co.

ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. (AtomRedMetZoloto) is a Russian uranium mining company. It is wholly owned by Atomenergoprom, a part of Rosatom.[1][2]

AtomRedMetZoloto was founded in 1992. In 2008, all uranium mines in Russia as also uranium mining related assets in other countries owned by Rosatom subsidiaries were brought under ARMZ Uranium Holding Co.

ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. mines uranium in Russia and Kazakhstan. New operations involve Armenia, Namibia and Canada.[2][3] In June 2009, ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. acquired 16.6% of shares in the Canadian uranium mining company Uranium One in exchange of 50% in Karetau uranium mining project, a joint venture with Kazatomprom.[4]

In December 2010, ARMZ agreed to buy Mantra Resources for US$1.15 billion.[5]


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